What is Family Coaching?
Some family challenges may be difficult to resolve without outside assistance. When we understand that our earliest perceptions, thoughts and beliefs shape who we are and our way of being in the world, we understand how our make-up, shows up in the dynamics of a family sometimes in helpful and sometimes in harmful ways. Using a coaching environment to help all the parties see a new dynamic, overall relations in the family and the individuals within it, can begin to add a whole new richness to life. Through new understanding and tools, new possibilities are discovered, and over time deeper connections are forged.
It may be that as a parent you are looking for support to address challenges within the family environment, or perhaps you are struggling with certain dynamics, or perhaps this is about preparing for the future and what perhaps may lay ahead.
How is it different from family counselling?
Family Coaching can help the willing parties to create partnerships, experience and produce fulfilling results, develop a much deeper understanding of eachother. It can help improve decision making, and enhanced quality of life.
Counselling generally focuses on issues like pathology and other unresolved psychological problems from the past, whilst family Coaching starts in the present, with a bend on understanding why we are all made up as we are. Starting with this deeper understanding, lives are changed, deep stressors are removed and families become what they were always destined to be….an environment of love and support for eachother, throughout all of lives challenges, joys and opportunities.