November Newsletter 🌟Embracing the Power Within

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Here's a special message for every person who recognizes they are Repeating the same patterns who need help, but cant figure out how to get started

Hi, my name is Suzanne Ravenall and if you want to succeed with Repatterning your life, then pay very close attention!

Many people Repeating the same patterns suffer from the idea that That there is something wrong with them and what they want in life is impossible .

But nothing could be further from the truth.

And if You want something better and you’ve tried so many programmes and so many times and nothing seems to work… THIS Live Masterclass is exactly what you’re looking for.

I’d like to invite you to join the “Breaking the hold of the childhood brain on your adult self” Masterclass – a taster into the main program to help you with Repatterning your life and how to shift out of old known and unknown patterns.

In fact, “Breaking the hold of the childhood brain on your adult self” will give you the confidence to:

* Take a Vertical leap of exponential progress…

* Navigate your life and relationships with ease…

* Make it faster and easier to unleash capability to live a better and easier life…

* More love, more health, more happiness, more freedom, …

* Turn adversity to insight, …

… and much, MUCH more!

And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with the main programme of “Breaking the hold of the childhood brain on your adult self” in less than a two weeks.

Even better, the entire Masterclass is free. If you sign up for the main programme you get a special $100 off of the program cost of $399 just for watching this masterclass.

Bottom line: You want something better and you’ve tried so many programmes and so many times and nothing seems to work we, should understand that…

* If You want to change and just don’t know how, cant see a way out or you want to get there faster, this is a proven system to repattern your life.

* We make it faster and easier to unleash your capability to live a better and easier life.

* You will learn key skills about where your patterns come from and how to change them once and for all.

The “Breaking the hold of the childhood brain on your adult self” program holds the key to your success with Repatterning your life.

Join the Live Masterclass Right Now with a discount code below!


Resonance Repatterning
Guided Programmes

Online Courses:

Live Courses:

Advanced Akashic Navigator

Online Courses:

Live Courses:

Basic Akashic Navigator

Online Courses:

Live Courses:

Akashic Navigator
Guided Programmes

View the fundamentals (basic) programmes:

View the advanced programmes:

Behavioural / Transformational Coaching

Quick one-off guidance

60 min session

90 min session

Long Term Packages(4 months):

2 x 60 min sessions per month

4 x 60 min sessions per month

2 x 90 min sessions per month

Resonance Repatterning Packages

Hourly session:

Long Term Packages(4 months):

2 x 1 hour 30 min sessions per month

4 x 1 hour 30 min sessions per month

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Please use your coupon code to register for the masterclass at a discounted rate

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Masterclass – 

Breaking the hold of the child brain on adult adversity 

A quest to find an upgraded version of you

For a moment, just one moment, imagine you had the ability to alter your relationship with everything happening in your life? Imagine having the ability to deeply understand it improve how you respond to it and how to navigate it successfully

Brain development is much more than a story about biology. From our earliest years, relationships with others play a key role in shaping how our brain grows and develops. From early experiences of neglect, lack of love or just not having our needs met, we generate beliefs and we have two kinds of beliefs, those that are helpful and those that are harmful.  These early experiences trip us up in early childhood and impact our brain development in such a significant way.  The child adapts as we know, and learns a new way of being that they create as the new familiar– fast forward to adult, having forgotten about the decisions made, the adult finds potential is reduced and far too limiting and self-defeating

Consciousness is a meaning field. The mind field can turn into a minefield depending on what kind of mind the child develops. The infant brain adapts to the worldview imposed on it and unless this operating system is interrogated, look at, reviewed and updated – life can end up at best being a series of challenges and disappoints at worst, gangs, deep depression, illness, addiction of all kinds and constant seeking to find love in all the wrong places.

Breaking the hold of the child brain on adult adversity is a life changing programme transcending into a new way of being once understanding what has taken you to this place.

95% of world yes 95% experience some kind of trauma – quite shocking and then most don’t even recognize they have had it. 

We all have it within ourselves to have a different life – this courses starts out from the premise that we are all perfect and we lost that innate inner perfection along the way however this happened.

What do you need? A willingness to show up and do the work

Who is this not for? Those who are not willing to put in the effort to make the change.  It took a lot of effort to get to this place its going to take effort to come out the other side.

This power packed programme is run over a period of one month twice a week for 3.5 hours. Its packed full of exercises, practices and understanding so that you can start changing straight away.

Key take aways for the main programme

  • Review your life from a different perspective, identify what is tripping you up and learn how to fix it
  • Let go of the past and have an abundance of tools to navigate how to manage your life differently 
  • Deep understanding as to how your experiences have shaped your current actions and how to change it
  • Understand how your current and existing thoughts create your reality and learn how to change it
  • How to reprogramme your mind and your nervous system
  • Understand why you are here and replan what you want from your life

Key take aways for this one hour masterclass

  • Understand how the brain is impacted as a result of early brain development
  • Interruption during early childhood development
  • Get a taster of how to identify early childhood belief that is tripping you up and start to shift it

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Trauma to transcendence

In this key note Suzanne weaves her way through this challenging topic, helping us understand where this buried trauma can come from, how it shows up, how your nervous system responds or breaks down and how to turn Trauma into Transendence, changing our body/mind and bringing homeostasis back to your system.

It is believed that up to 90% of people in life have suffered some kind of trauma. 

Many traumas are overt and people are acutely aware of them, like traumatic death of a loved one, armed force battle deployment and sexual assault. However a majority of those that suffer with trauma, have not actually understood it as trauma and buried it and moved on. And many who have suffered assault or traumatic trauma are too embarrassed to share what happened believing that they are too blame, and perhaps lack the support around them.

It is only much later in life when seeing that life is not running in the way that we expected, or we keep coming up against the same issues over and over again, that we start to realize that somehow our lives may not be the same as others.   

Once we are in this trauma cycle and we are living with buried trauma, this can turn into emotional outbursts, illness, chronic disease, depression, non coherent relationships and much more. 

  • Are you suffering from trauma
  • How our nervous system functions
  • Turning trauma into transendence

45 or 60 minutes

Second time around

In this key note we learn how our early lives define our choices our decisions and our beliefs, we understand why we seem unable to move forward and then critically what it takes to have a restart of our lives a “second time around” a new way of being and living that all possibilities are available to you, its just learning how to navigate and tap into your innate potential

We build our lives only too often fulfilling others dreams of what we should do, or others limited expectations of us. And as we move through life, often struggling, maybe even hating our jobs, not being able to find where we fit in, we dump our unhappiness on the people around us, being envious of what others have missing the opportunities and the relationships that we could have and continuing to live in the cycle of sameness, disappointed that others seem to have better lives and what others have is just not available to us.

  • Why we end up fulfilling the dreams or limited expectations of others
  • How our early lives define us
  • How to create a restart, a second time around, in your job, your career, your life, your relationships

20, 45 or 60 minutes

Recycling my soul

With all this talk of consciousness in the world, what does it mean. What is consciousness, In the context of my life work and personal, how does my consciousness impact another, how does it impact me, in practical terms how does my behaviour and my level of consciousness draw to me my experiences. The science of entanglement. 

  • Consciousness defined
  • How my consciousness impacts others and myself
  • How I draw to me the experiences that I have
  • The science of entanglement


20, 45 or 60 minutes

Conversations with my Brain

After suffering a traumatic brain injury, stroke and several life or death traumas Suzanne is living proof that you can re-train your brain.

We learn our beliefs from our early childhood that get buried deep in our unconscious mind and we learn habits and strategies that keep us safe.  As we make these beliefs we forget about them and then wonder later on in our lives why the same patterns of failure, pain or trauma keep reoccurring.

Utilizing her own story of trauma, Suzanne creatively weaves together an understanding of how our beliefs are generated and how we can identify the patterns that keep us stuck in the same situation over and over again and some tools to get out of it.

It is impossible to not come out of this talk a changed person, you will never look at life in the same way again. (depending on the time will depend on tools available)

  • How belief systems are made
  • Identifying disruptive patterns
  • Talking to your brain

20, 45 or 60 minutes


Suzanne is a is a member of the ICF (international coaching federation) BMA (British Medical Association) BodyTalk Association, Resonance Repatterning Association, and the AMA (American Medical Association).

Masterclass – 

Breaking the hold of the child brain on adult adversity 

A quest to find an upgraded version of you


For a moment, just one moment, imagine you had the ability to alter your relationship with everything happening in your life? Imagine having the ability to deeply understand it improve how you respond to it and how to navigate it successfully


Brain development is much more than a story about biology. From our earliest years, relationships with others play a key role in shaping how our brain grows and develops. From early experiences of neglect, lack of love or just not having our needs met, we generate beliefs and we have two kinds of beliefs, those that are helpful and those that are harmful.  These early experiences trip us up in early childhood and impact our brain development in such a significant way.  The child adapts as we know, and learns a new way of being that they create as the new familiar– fast forward to adult, having forgotten about the decisions made, the adult finds potential is reduced and far too limiting and self-defeating


Consciousness is a meaning field. The mind field can turn into a minefield depending on what kind of mind the child develops. The infant brain adapts to the worldview imposed on it and unless this operating system is interrogated, look at, reviewed and updated – life can end up at best being a series of challenges and disappoints at worst, gangs, deep depression, illness, addiction of all kinds and constant seeking to find love in all the wrong places.


Breaking the hold of the child brain on adult adversity is a life changing programme transcending into a new way of being once understanding what has taken you to this place.


95% of world yes 95% experience some kind of trauma – quite shocking and then most don’t even recognize they have had it. 


We all have it within ourselves to have a different life – this courses starts out from the premise that we are all perfect and we lost that innate inner perfection along the way however this happened.


What do you need? A willingness to show up and do the work


Who is this not for? Those who are not willing to put in the effort to make the change.  It took a lot of effort to get to this place its going to take effort to come out the other side.


This power packed programme is run over a period of one month twice a week for 3.5 hours. Its packed full of exercises, practices and understanding so that you can start changing straight away.


Key take aways for the main programme

  • Review your life from a different perspective, identify what is tripping you up and learn how to fix it
  • Let go of the past and have an abundance of tools to navigate how to manage your life differently 
  • Deep understanding as to how your experiences have shaped your current actions and how to change it
  • Understand how your current and existing thoughts create your reality and learn how to change it
  • How to reprogramme your mind and your nervous system
  • Understand why you are here and replan what you want from your life


Key take aways for this one hour masterclass

  • Understand how the brain is impacted as a result of early brain development
  • Interruption during early childhood development
  • Get a taster of how to identify early childhood belief that is tripping you up and start to shift it


Transformational Coaching has evolved as a more complete approach to coaching, shifting from a simple performance-focused tool that has been traditionally used to one of a holistic humanistic and psychological focus. This process focuses on the whole person and not what is just noticeable on the surface. It is a reflective coaching approach that explores a client’s beliefs, cognitive, emotional, sensory and relational patterns amongst others to create a more complete understanding of their perspective on the world.

Through this awareness, there is a much higher potential for clients to unlock greater transformative shifts, break down the negative beliefs, patterns and/ or programmes that may have held them back and open up a doorway and a path to outcomes or changes of the true transformation that they genuinely desire in their lives.

All transformation is change, but not all change is transformation.

We may make changes all the time on the surface and set up an intentional course of action to perhaps how we think, feel and act and in that we have likely changed, but have we transformed?

A Transformational Coach provides individuals with a direct, lived experience of the reality they have created in order to empower them to shift their current paradigm to make way for what is desired.

With years of training and superlative skills, a Transformational Coach is an expert who empowers people and organisations at strengthening commitments to their Vision. From these commitments, the outcome is actions that produce powerful results. A Transformational Coach adds a distinctive dimension to coaching in that they are masterful at helping you in revealing the very core interpretations and beliefs that support every aspect of your life that remain unfulfilled.


Traditional coaching is generally results-oriented and compels clients to practice accountability for what happens in their lives.                                                                   On the other hand, Transformational Coaching empowers the shift in interpretations which are no longer useful and also empowers a practice of new ways of being that align with desires to reach one’s highest potential. The reason why this type of coaching is transformational in nature is that it focuses on the various states of being that generate actions, which either move the client closer to the desired outcomes or distances them away. Shifting the emphasis from how an individual is being, rather than what is being done, this, in turn, will create transformation, because the way the client is being, is transferable to every other aspect of their life. Therefore, the client transforms their perspective, shifting their paradigm to include more, which allows an expanded catalogue of possibilities to exist.

Transformational Coaching intends to get to the essence, to the nucleus of the matter to explore the very nature of being.                                                               This is a space of light and shadow, of fear and joy, of limitations and fantastic possibilities. All coaching approaches foster self-awareness, but Transformational Coaching goes way beyond that as it enables a person to attend to the structures which underlie their sense of who they believe they are and then, through exploration, they’re able to achieve who they desire to be.


Transformation is generally a term used for a dramatic change in form or character; a type of metamorphosis. Although we are constantly changing, we do not transform all the time. The unwavering cycle of life and death offers each of us the greatest transformational experience possible, but within a person’s lifetime, true transformation is a relatively rare occurrence. Think back across the span of your life and try to identify how many times you can reliably say that you ‘transformed,’ as in you went through a period of thorough or dramatic change in form or character—a metamorphosis on an external or internal level.                                                               These occurrences are few and far between, so you could count them all on one hand. These are instances of ‘human transformation,’ and it’s helpful to clarify what we mean by that because the meaning influences how we define Transformational Coaching.


To understand the differences in both these training techniques, let’s first understand the basics. Transformational Coaching is focused on enabling self-actualisation. Far more than ‘options-strategy-action’ to attain goals or clarity or to get better at something, Transformational Coaching goes deep into an individual’s psyche, focusing on who that person is and who they desire to become. Therefore, Transformational Coaching is an ontological approach because it is about ‘being’ rather than about ‘doing.’

This understanding highlights a key distinction between Transactional and Transformational Coaching approaches.  In each case, each method has a very different fundamental premise. Transactional Coaching rests on the principle that a person will uncover what they need to and therefore move forward in significant ways based on their existing way of being. In other words, nothing needs to be explored challenged nor shifted at the level of being for desired outcomes to be achieved. Transformational Coaching, on the other hand, rests on the premise that an expanded or shifted way of being—and the higher-order thoughts, perceptions, and energies available therein—are necessary to uncover exactly what is needed.

People will still bring their personal goals, objectives, and big dreams to the table in Transformational Coaching conversations; however, the pivotal question is “Who do I need to be for my goals or dreams to become a reality”?

In this case, the ‘becoming’ process is the transformational path and the end game is a higher than realised level of life or existence.

To facilitate this process, a Transformational Coach supports people to dive below the surface and submerge themselves in self-exploration, to examine their beliefs, images, and interpretations about who they are and their purpose and place in this world.  It is all of the above which gives rise to a person’s existing way of being, and examining them sheds light on why people experience life as they do.


In relation to transformation, Transactional Coaching reaches its limits because an intellect-based approach is never the vehicle for healing limiting beliefs, which is what it means to release those mental and emotional bonds and beliefs to live an experience of self-actualisation. What is needed is a sustainable shift at the level of being, which in turn requires a transformational approach.

A person requires the willingness to face their fears so that they can be free of patterns of thought and emotion that have held them back for a lifetime.                 Change then happens at the core level of mind, within the person’s internal operating system and when the person grows significantly at this level, what occurs is that it creates the impetus for equally significant shifts in their behaviours, choices and emotions.                                                                                                                     Over some time, real transformation takes place and the necessary thoughts, attitudes and actions which function to bring envisioned goals into existence will happen organically as an expression of the fulfilment of their higher nature.

As a coach, important questions to ask are; how do you work with this? How do you support a person to release limiting beliefs and images that are so entrenched they form the very fabric of that person’s self-identity?


The moment you realise that you have within you a profound well of wisdom and inner knowing that is forever wanting to be expressed, that’s when the process of transformation and meaningful change can begin.

Most of us, however we live our lives from the outside in, get stuck in repetitive and looping ways of thinking, feeling, believing and relating to the world. We lack the tools and know-how to develop healthy, loving and nourishing relationships with ourselves, with others and know how to meet our needs. 

As a consequence, a vast amount of time and energy is expended trying to manipulate and change the outer circumstances of our lives, without fully realizing or interrogating the true power within.

Imagine the change that can take place when matching the outer action and the inner power and both of these are in alignment working like well-oiled machinery

A transformational approach involves a gearshift in focus to a way being that acknowledges and appreciates who you are at your absolute core, it is geared to a deeper level of change and creates space to see yourself, others and the world differently and grow into who you are meant to become. 

This deep level of change that happens on the inside often leads to a shift in your outer world and shows up in health, relationships, purpose, meaning, career etc. It is ultimately the true journey of transformation.


For many of us, there comes a time when we are being called to grow and change. Transformation can be slow and painful and often sadly is the catalyst after some kind of traumatic incident. The ideal is to create deliberate transformation and don’t wait for suffering before you take the action

This process involves a transformation that represents a shift in a way of being, from living our lives based on our conditioned, programmed self (small self) to the higher needs of our authentic self.

The process of human transformation is similar to the transformation of a caterpillar to butterfly.

Shedding our small self feels difficult, as the transformation commences, we experience resistance and fear our small self wants to keep us safe and in our comfort zone. As the process unfolds the old self or way of being falls away and creates space for something new that emerges. 

While on the outside we may look the same, on the inside a radical transformation is occurring. Transformation can be a lonely process and having a Transformation Coach to walk along this path is powerful & supportive.

The Approach

Transformational Coaching is:

  • Human – the assumption is that the client underneath whatever is going on is whole, unbroken and they have the resources they need to make changes
  • Integrative – views the client as a whole person and draws from a range of practices that are utilized to assist in transformation where needed.
  • Holistic – understanding and acknowledging all aspects of the client’s experience and using these to inform the overall transformational approach, where this is cognitive, somatic, relational and behavioural
  • Psychological – an exploration of the client inside and out, beliefs, values, expectations, assumptions and psychological patterns that guide how they show up in life or the work environment

 There will be a need to coach transactionally at times; there will be times when it is desirable to think or act in a more transactional manner. However, the focus is maintained on the growth potential and exploration of being as the deeper change before taking action. Within the sense of Being is true transformation and paramount to doing, the doing / type of action flows from being.

If Transformational Coaching is the “vehicle/boat,” you can think of me as your guide. You’re in the driver’s/captain’s seat. I’m simply the “GPS” helping you navigate this transformational journey, navigating any obstacles and choppy waters as they arise.

What to expect

Whatever your unique goals we’ll uncover what’s truly standing in the way and figure out what is going, and plot a path to take to get you to where and who you want to be.

The coaching experience is customized to each individual and fully depends on the specific situation and what you want to get out of our time together.

You will be entering a safe space to open yourself to true transformation.


Create the future that you desire

For a moment, just one moment, imagine you had the ability to alter your relationship with success and everything happening in your life? Imagine having the ability to improve your intuition to such an extent that you receive daily guidance in the direction you are moving in. This is completely possible.

In life you have a choice, move through it, making choices and decisions that you think are right and sometimes feel that you are bumping around in the dark – or add to this a guided way of leading your life.

Your problems are not happening in a haphazard manner or happening to you, and they are not meaningless roadblocks. Your life is working even when you don’t think so, and you can move through your life with less resistance & more expansion when you understand it. The Akashic records are an amazing resource to help you see beyond the veil, to clear disruption in your path and navigate your life, business, career, relationships etc with much greater ease.

Many medical studies have been undertaken that now show us that ancestral patterns carried through our DNA can disrupt our lives unknowingly, all of which can be addressed through the Akashic Records.

How it works

The Akashic Records are the energetic records of all souls lives, their present past and, and possible future lives. A compendium of all events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent, ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future.  Each soul has its Akashic Record, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. They are encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. The Hall (or Library) of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored also called zero point field. They are extremely powerful in unlocking the wisdom of your soul, including clearing out any blocks and constrictions around issues that you are facing in this life time.

The records can be:

  • Read i.e you can receive information and / or
  • Cleared ie. constrictions, ancestral patterns affecting this life time

Ideas of areas that you may wish to work on.

  • Money/Finances/Abundance:
  • Work/Career/Purpose
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Relationship With Self
  • Friendships/Family
  • Spiritual/Personal Growth


To activate the Law of Attraction in your life, you must identify and change your limiting beliefs about money. Throughout our lives, since childhood, we’ve created limiting beliefs about money that have been internalized over time and accepted to be true even if they are not”.

Things like money doesn’t grow on trees and is therefore difficult to acquire, or the idea that money can’t buy happiness, or the limiting belief that you can’t be rich and be a good person at the same time.

Before you can begin leveraging the Law of Attraction, it is important to first identify and address any limiting beliefs about money that you might have.

Once you see money for what it really is – an accessible, unlimited supply of a resource you can use in any way that you desire – it’s much easier to form the habits and mindset necessary to acquire wealth.

Over 6 repatterning sessions we cover the following topics and move you towards being coherently aligned with the new career that you desire


  1. Discover the blocks
  2. Get clear about what your after
  3. Facing the realities
  4. Remove limiting beliefs
  5. Making a plan & taking responsibility
  6. The power of intention and using it appropriately
  7. Act and move forward.
  8. Be Grateful


Through 6 Group Repatterning / mini Coaching sessions of 2 hours each over 6 weeks


We attract people at our common level of woundedness or our common level of emotional health. This means that if you want to attract a healthy, loving partner, you need to become that healthy person first. This does not mean that you need to have attained some imagined level of perfection, but it does mean that the kind of energy you project has everything to do with the kind of person you attract.

There are mainly two kinds of energy either Insecure or Secure. If you feel insecure, then you are likely to project this in one of two ways: Taker or Caretaker

Takers and caretakers seem to find each other. Both are coming from inner neediness due to self-rejection/self-abandonment. Both expect the other person to take away their emptiness and make them feel lovable. The taker does it by being overtly needy — demanding, self-centered and narcissistic. The caretaker does it by giving themselves up to take care of the taker, hoping the taker will then give them the love they are seeking to feel okay about themselves. These people create a codependent relationship, where they either stay together but lack aliveness and passion, or their relationship ends in divorce.

Secure Energy People who have learned to take responsibility for their happiness and well being are people who have learned to fill themselves with love, which they then enjoy sharing with others. Rather than trying to get love by being a taker or a caretaker, they love themselves and then share their love with others. These people have a sense of intrinsic self-worth, which means they are not needy of others’ approval and attention to feel good about themselves. An emotionally healthy person is not going to be attracted to an insecure, needy person. Healthy, loving people attract other healthy, loving people and create loving, healthy relationships. What needs to happen for you to become healthy enough to attract the love of your life?


  1. Learn to accept, value and love yourself and define your own worth, rather than waiting for someone else to love you and give you a sense of worth
  2. Learn to connect with your inner resource of love, wisdom and strength
  3. Heal your fear of rejection by learning to not take rejection personally and by learning how to lovingly manage your painful feelings.
  4. Heal your fear of engulfment by developing a strong loving adult self, who can say no rather than giving yourself up to control not being rejected.
  5. Learn to be happy BEFORE you are in a relationship, rather than looking for a relationship to make you happy.


6 Group Repatterning / Coaching sessions of 2 hours each over 6 weeks


Given the opportunity, pretty much everyone would love to accumulate more wealth, make more money, and live a more abundant life. However, many people have a poor relationship with money and as a result they have trouble manifesting money and wealth into their lives, and as a result, never actually achieve the financial success they desire.

Financial success starts in the mind and the number one thing holding many people back is their belief system concerning wealth and money.


  1. Facing your limiting beliefs about money
  2. Identifying where these limiting beliefs come from and clear them
  3. Decide on your new relationship with money and how you would like this manifested


6 Group Repatterning / mini Coaching sessions of 2 hours each over 6 weeks


Consciousness is a meaning field. The mind field can turn into a minefield depending on what kind of mind the child develops. The infant brain adapts to the worldview imposed on it and unless this operating system is interrogated, look at, reviewed and updated – life can end up at best, being a series of challenges and disappoints at worst, gangs, deep depression, illness, addiction of all kinds and constant seeking to find love in all the wrong places.

Brain development is much more than a story about biology. From our earliest years, relationships with others play a key role in shaping how our brain grows and develops. From early experiences of neglect, lack of love or just not having our needs met, we generate beliefs and we have two kinds of beliefs, those that are helpful and those that are harmful.  These early experiences trip us up in early childhood and impact our brain development in such a significant way.  The child adapts as we know, and learns a new way of being that they create as the new familiar– fast forward to adult, having forgotten about the decisions made, the adult finds potential is reduced and far too limiting and self-defeating.

Suzanne takes us through a journey of inner transformation, sharing her own complex experiences, she weaves a transformation journey focusing on how to change from the inside out. Starting from understanding, matching and identifying your own early childhood experiences and relationships and the strategies brilliantly unpacked by your early child, to meet unmet needs,  that we forget, and slip into our unconscious thoughts and how these patterns perpetually repeat themselves in life until we raise them to a level of awareness that allows them to be obliterated, which I turn dramatically change the status quo.  When we turn on the magic on the inside and capitalise on this magic, we begin to heal and transform in unimaginable ways and when this happens, this then shows up on the outside in everyday life.  She provides practical tools as to how to use  what happens on the outside to fuel our journey and by doing so becoming an unstoppable force. How to rebound and make a better life, with more courage and confidence than you ever thought possible. How to use the power of our own innate wisdom, energy and mind in the time of continued disruption and amongst it all grow and live in an authentic way responding as opposed to reacting to life.

  • BSC Metaphysics / MSC Metaphysics (American Alternative Medical Association)
  • Doctorate Philosophy: Metaphysics (American Alternative Medical Association)
  • Certified Master Behaviour Coach (BSI – UK)
  • Certified NLP Master
  • Certified RTT (RTT Hypnotherapy UK)
  • Certified Mediation Instructor (CTAA Complementary Therapist Association)
  • Certified / Diploma Adv Resonance Repatterning (RR Institute)
  • Certified Teacher Resonance Repatterning (RR Institute)
  • Certified Teacher Therapeutic Qigong
  • Certified Mediator
  • Certified Teacher Mindfulness
  • Certified Facilitator Hearth-Math
  • Certified Body Talk (CBP BodyTalk Association)
  • Certified Qi Gong instructor
  • Certified Philosophical/Metaphysical Counsellor (American Medical Association)
  • Certified Clinical trauma specialist (CCTSI) (CTAA Complimentary Therapist Association)
  • Certified Clinical trauma & addiction specialist (CTAA Complementary Therapist Association)
  • Certified PTSD Counselling (CTAA Complementary Therapist Association)
  • Certified Family trauma specialist (CFTP) (CTAA Complementary Therapist Association))
  • Sexual trauma specialist (CCTS)
  • Certified Akashic Mastery (Akashic School of Knowing)
  • Reiki Master
  • Trained: Regression Therapy (QHHT), Energy clearing, Mindscape,  Bio-geometry, Radionics, Medical mediumship, Reconnective Healing, BT Structural Integration, BT Fascia Balancing, Western & Eastern Astrology,
  • PHD Integrative medicine & conscious business ethic (in process)